Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ever heard the story...

Welcome to The Butterfly Principle blog! Do you know that by understanding and applying "the butterfly principle," your life changes tremendously? Your dreams become realities, your hopes increase, your relationships improve.

Each new post appears below this brief introduction:

Ever heard the story behind the phrase "the Butterfly Principle"? Originally the term was the "the butterfly effect," but the significance caused much attention and the phrase morphed into the Butterfly Principle.

A bit of history and why it matters to us. As with many things, this concept started with a science fiction short story written by Ray Bradbury. His creativity in this story spoke of a corporate guy being offered an adventure beyond comprehension: travel back in time to hunt dinosaurs. The only caveat was that in the time travel trip, he must stay on a specific "sidewalk" so that he would not leave a trace. In the hunt, they could only kill animals that were in the process of dying already.

The fictional company responsible for these trips, Time Safari, thought they had ensured all safety measures. But Eckels (the corporate schmuck) couldn't handle the pressure. In the face of an honest-to-goodness Allosaurus, Eckels flees Time Safari's carefully conscripted path. By leaving the path, Eckels unknowingly crushes a butterfly in the mud. That one little butterfly, it turns out, made all the difference!

This one event, discovered upon Eckels return, creates havoc of all global kinds. The English language now is twisted into different letters, fascists are now in control (good-bye to freedom), and all kinds of architecture had changed. The entire premise of the short story was that seemingly insignificant choices cause changes which lead to significant outcomes.

Well, why not put this premise to work for us? After all, research is beginning to show that the small things in life can sometimes have the greatest impact. Think about it. On a long hard day, a perfect stranger smiles and opens the door for you. Another person pays your toll on a whim. Or you decide to get extra sleep one night, which makes a complete difference on your response to your boss the next day in a heated meeting.

The purpose of this blog is to explore the Butterfly Principle (based on chaos theory or, as states, "sensitive dependence upon initial conditions"). We're not going to discuss this principle in just generic terms, but in ways that make sense to you. Because why not put the Butterfly Principle to work for you? Why not make your dreams in the future a reality, simply because of small principles you're putting to work for you today!

Here are some fun links to hear various voices speaking on their understanding of the Butterfly Principle (and how it applies to emotional resiliency):

Bob Hyman
Resiliancy as a Butterfly Principle
Butterfly of Life (cancer survivors' take on butterflies)
West Indian community

Make sure you subscribe to the blog so you can check out the (nearly) daily postings for fun and free tips to help you meet, reach and perhaps surpass your awesome dreams!

(The beautiful butterfly picture is from an adorable site for kids: Insect Lore. Check out their fun learning games and store.)