Thursday, October 2, 2008

Discipline is a Muscle

Have you thought about what the personality trait discipline does for you? For example, it helps you get up on days you don't want to. As a result, by the end of the day you have accomplished meals for your family, brought in a paycheck by working for your employer, tidied up your living space to make your home hours more pleasant. All because of discipline. Discipline is the glue in many respects that holds a successful life together.

Or to put it another way, discipline is like a muscle that brings one limb toward another limb. The more you exercise your body, the more efficient movement becomes for you, the better your health, and the leaner your physique.

But discipline requires exertion. The good news is the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Your dreams require discipline. Just as a muscle can contract and bring your hand toward you, your personality muscle of discipline can bring your daring dreams toward you. It's not that hard; it just requires exertion and practice. Follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. Sit down today and write out what your dreams really are.
  2. Pick the most daring one. Write that one on a new piece of paper.
  3. Remember the chicken pox as a kid? When you were covered with pox all over? Well, you're going to "pox" your dream page and turn it into a Reality Page. Set a kitchen timer to 5 minutes and press start. Starting poxing the page by writing down all the activities that lead up to your daring dream. Allow crazy creativity to take over by completely ignoring any order to this activity.
  4. Keep writing until 5 minutes is up, even if you continue to write the same thing over and over again until new ideas for "pox" show up. The idea is to keep your pen moving for 5 minutes recording any and all of the different activities successful people would do to achieve this one dream.
  5. When finished, sit back and enjoy the brilliance of your activity. You have made possible the first step towards success for your dream - you got physical with the reality of dreaming.
Do not touch your Reality Page just yet. We'll do more exploring with it in the future. For now just know that you exercised your discipline muscle during this small activity. Wasn't that easy?

Bringing your dream closer to you until it touches your life in physical ways is no more complicated than bringing your hand literally to your face. It just requires small actions in very real, physical ways. We will be exploring these literal ways through the blog, so make sure to check back often. A helpful tip: subscribe to the blog so you can check out the (nearly) daily postings for fun and free tips to help you meet, reach and perhaps even surpass your awesome dreams!